Daily iron on your dinner plate
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Iron Content of Buckwheat

This food contains 2.2 milligrams of iron per 100 grams. Grams is a measure of weight. To put 100 grams in perspective, consider alternative measures for this food:

  • 1 cup equals 170 grams.

It is absolutely possible to eat one cup of buckwheat in a setting, making it a good choice for dietary iron, but do check out the caveat below the graph.

In the category of grain, we included whole grains and flours in the Top 10 list. Foods may be fortified with iron but are not included in this Top 10 list. The food tested for the particular graph below can be described more specifically as:


Read more about iron in grains or visit our iron-rich foods list.

Buckwheat as an Iron Rich Food

Buckwheat is a good source of iron and is often used in baking as a gluten-free food. Despite the appearance of “wheat” in its name, buckwheat is not a type of wheat and it is not even technically a grain, though it cooks up in the same way that grains do cook.

Buckwheat also shares with grains the presence of iron inhibitors such as phytic acid which actually reduce your absorption of iron in the buckwheat. While the iron content is good, you will not benefit from the iron in appreciable amounts unless you prepare your dish with intent to reduce the phytic acid content of the buckwheat. This website and the Iron Rich Foods book has a lot of resources on that topic, check out the iron rich foods tips page in particular.