Daily iron on your dinner plate
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Iron Content of Grass Fed Ground Beef

Grass fed ground beef contains 1.9 milligrams of iron per 100 grams.

In the category of beef, we included whole food products in the Top 10 list. Foods may be fortified with iron but are not included in this Top 10 list.The food tested for the particular graph below can be described more specifically as:

Beef, grass-fed, ground, raw

Read more about iron in meat or visit our iron-rich foods list.

Meat as a class is a good iron source, particularly red meat. Red meat gets its color from the iron content. People who consume red meat do not usually suffer from an iron deficiency. If you do eat red meat and have low iron, consult with your health care provider about your circumstances because you may have complicating conditions, from your digestive health to unusual levels of blood loss.

Meats in general have an added advantage of helping your digestive tract to metabolize iron from plant-based foods. Plant-based iron is typically locked in iron blockers, making that iron much more difficult to digest. Even minimal amounts of meat can allow your body to unlock the iron and move it into your blood where your body needs it. Read more about meat as an iron enhancer here.